Reishi Mushroom | 17 Science-Backed Health VItalitie

Reishi mushroom, also known as Ganoderma Lucidum, is a highly sought-after medicinal superfood that has been revered for thousands of years by Emperors, sages, and monks in China, Korea, and Japan. It's also the number one tonic herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Reishi is often called the "supreme protector" because of its remarkable ability to safeguard our physical, mental, immunological, and spiritual health. This extraordinary longevity tonic offers numerous health benefits, including potent immune-enhancing properties, stress relief, emotional balance, mood elevation, and support for the major organ systems that our lives depend on - the heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs.
According to TCM, the Reishi mushroom is among the few herbs that nourish all three of the foundational concepts: Jing, Chi, and Shen. As a result, it has immense power to operate in both the physical and spiritual domains. As a Shen tonic, Reishi is considered the most supreme. Shen refers to our spirit, higher consciousness, and the divinity within us. Nourishing and maintaining Shen is vital to leading a long and peaceful life.
Reishi's popularity has grown in the West as the ultimate anti-stress herb, used regularly to calm the mind, ease tension, improve memory and focus, sharpen concentration, promote sleep, and build willpower. Ultimately, Reishi develops wisdom and cultivates intuition, contributing to inner well-being and personal growth.
At Teelixir, we believe that Reishi mushroom is the best place to start your tonic herb journey. Its broad benefits nourish the body, mind, and spirit, providing the power to transform your life and manifest your dreams and possibilities. Everyone can benefit from its incredible powers, making it the ultimate herb to introduce to every person's life.
Table of Contents
- Health Purposes Served By Reishi Mushrooms
- Reishi Mushrooms History
- The Yellow Emperor's “Mushroom of Immortality”
- Nutrition and Biochemistry of Reishi Mushroom
17 Ways How Reishi Mushroom Boost Your Longevity
- • Immune System Support
- • Cancer Therapy Aid
- • Powerful Adaptogen
- • Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression
- • Boost Energy by Neutralizing Fatigue
- • Enhance Antioxidants and neutralize Inflammation
- • Strengthens Cardiovascular Health
- • Liver Rejuvenation
- • Supports Kidney Health
- • Lungs Strengthening
- • Improves Brain Functioning
- • Soothing Allergic Reactions
- • Improvise Sleep Cycle
- • Digestion and Gut Health Boost
- • Skin Rejuvenation
- • Harnessing Nervous System
- • Reishi May Act as a Radiation Shield
- Where to Buy Reishi Mushroom Extracts
- Consuming Reishi Mushrooms
- Dosage and precautions
- References and Studies
Health Purposes Served By Reishi Mushrooms
Are you looking for an engaging and plagiarism-free rephrasing of the content about Reishi mushroom and its benefits? If so, here's my attempt:
Mental Health
Reishi mushroom is an incredible tonic herb that is known to promote longevity and support overall well-being. It is considered safe for almost everyone to consume, making it a perfect addition to any wellness routine.
As the "Mushroom of Immortality," Reishi offers a wide range of benefits that can help us manage stress, enhance adaptability, and maintain emotional balance. It has a calming effect on the mind, which can improve cognitive function, boost mood, and promote a better night's sleep.
Physical Health
Reishi isn't just good for the mind - it also helps support the immune system and promotes healthy function in vital organs like the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Its powerful antioxidant properties can help reduce inflammation in the body and nourish and protect the skin.
And if that's not enough, Reishi may even protect us from harmful wifi and cell phone frequencies. While we can't promise immortality, incorporating Reishi into our lives can certainly help us live longer, healthier, and happier lives. So why not give it a try and see what benefits it brings to you?
Reishi Mushrooms History
The Reishi mushroom, a true "superfood extraordinaire," boasts a rich and fascinating history. While some say it has been utilized for over 5,000 years, the most credible accounts trace its origins back to Chinese folklore from at least 2,000 years ago.
The "Divine Farmer's Classic of Pharmaceutics," a revered book on herbal medicine penned by Shénnóng Běncǎo Jīng between 100-200 A.D, first documents Reishi. In this classic text, the mushroom is deemed the "Ultimate Herbal Champion," even outshining the highly-regarded Chinese Ginseng.
Known as "Reishi" in the West—a Japanese interpretation of the ancient Chinese name Ruizhi, meaning "auspicious mushroom"—this magnificent fungus also goes by the names "Mannentake" (10,000-year mushroom), "Hijiridake" (sage mushroom), and "Sawei-take" (good fortune mushroom) in Japan.
In China, the Reishi mushroom is referred to as "Lingzhi." The term "Ling" encompasses meanings like "spirit, spiritual, soul, miraculous, sacred, or divine," while "Zhi" signifies "animal, plant, fungus, or minerals used to concoct elixirs of long life." Given the multiple interpretations of Ling and Zhi, English translations such as "Herb of Spiritual Potency," "Mushroom of Immortality," and "Divine Mushroom" have emerged.
Finally, the botanical name for Ling Zhi, Ganoderma Lucidum, derives from both Greek and Latin origins. "Gano" in Greek translates to "brightness" and "derma" means "skin," whereas "Lucidum" in Latin signifies "shining." Combined, this name alludes to the "bright shining skin," reflecting Reishi's skin-nourishing benefits.
Behold the fascinating Reishi mushroom, a polypore wonder without gills! Instead of releasing spores from gills like ordinary mushrooms, Reishi does so through delicate pores while growing on both living and dead trees, especially maple and oak.
You might be surprised to learn that Reishi isn't your typical culinary mushroom. With a mature fruiting body that's as tough as wood, you can't just munch on it. But don't worry – boiling it in water or steeping it in alcohol extracts all the incredible nutrients hidden within its sturdy cellulose.
Nature offers us six mesmerizing varieties of Ganoderma Lucidum, including red, black, purple, white, green, and yellow. The red Reishi, known for its superiority, is the most common and extensively researched.
Revered by ancient Chinese as a miraculous herb, the Reishi mushroom's esteemed status continues to flourish across China. It has captivated the hearts and minds of the Chinese people throughout their 5,000-year history, symbolizing good health and fortune. From gods and emperors clutching Ling Zhi scepters in paintings, to being depicted in murals, architectural elements, and woven into silk robes, Reishi truly earns its place as a "world treasure" in museums.
Wild Reishi, elusive in nature, was once so scarce that it was reserved only for the elite: emperors, empresses, and the upper class. Dubbed the "phantom mushroom," its spores sport a tough husk, making germination more challenging than it is for other mushrooms.
The Yellow Emperor's “Mushroom of Immortality”
The Taoist belief in immortality was a driving force in their quest to flow with the Tao and become one of the immortals. However, this pursuit was not without risk, as many died in their pursuit. To achieve immortality, they practiced various strange arts, including the search for the elixir of life. Many Taoists believed that Reishi was a key ingredient in this elixir, and some even believed that Reishi itself was the elixir of immortality.
Even China's first emperor, Shih Huang Ti, was consumed by the idea of immortality and spent his entire life searching for the elixir of immortality. He erected many temples in honor of the immortals and even sent Admiral Hsu Fu and 500 youths to sail across the sea to find the herb of deathlessness, a divine mushroom that could grant long life and immortality. However, his obsession with immortality ultimately led to his downfall. He burned the most secret books containing the formula for the elixir of life, and even without the exact formula, he decreed that it be concocted. He ultimately died from mercury poisoning in his pursuit.
The admiration for Reishi grew over the centuries, and Taoists would often carry various items and talismans on their searches, including a white chicken and white dog, as an offering to the spirits of the mountain. This mushroom was believed to be held by the mountains, and the talismans showed a deep reverence and respect for the mushroom which gave hunters an advantage in finding these rare fungi on the mountain.
While Reishi may not make you immortal, the ancient Taoists believed consuming it daily would improve their chances of achieving immortality. Reishi is a powerful superfood mushroom with scientifically proven longevity and anti-aging benefits. So, including Reishi in your diet may be your best chance at extending your lifespan and attaining a long and peaceful life.
Nutrition and Biochemistry of Reishi Mushroom
Get ready to be amazed by one of the most thoroughly researched herbs on the planet - the Reishi mushroom! With a rich history spanning over 40 years and hundreds of studies (primarily from Japan), this miraculous fungus has proven itself as a supercharged bioactive nutrient dynamo.
The Reishi mushroom boasts an astonishing repertoire of over 400 diverse compounds, including polysaccharides, triterpenoids, nucleotides, sterols, steroids, fatty acids, proteins/peptides, mannitol, and trace elements. This extensive array of components has been linked to a wide range of health-promoting properties, such as immune system support, anti-inflammatory effects, pain relief, cancer prevention, and even sleep enhancement, just to name a few.
The study emphasizes that Reishi, also known as Ganoderma lucidum, is now acknowledged as a valuable complementary treatment for conditions like leukemia, cancer, hepatitis, and diabetes.
At the heart of Reishi's extensive health benefits are two key constituents: polysaccharides and triterpenes.
Polysaccharides (Beta-glucans)
Did you know that all medicinal mushrooms (though not all mushroom varieties) contain varying amounts of powerful polysaccharide compounds? These complex long-chain sugar molecules (the good kind of sugars) are known to significantly bolster and activate the immune system. In fact, they're among the most formidable immune-enhancing forces ever discovered.
Reishi is particularly rich in polysaccharides, boasting over 200 distinct compounds. These remarkable molecules latch onto specific receptor sites in the immune system, unlocking their healing potential and amplifying the immune response.
Among the many types of polysaccharides, water-soluble beta-glucans are the most common and extensively studied, and Reishi is loaded with them!
The Reishi mushroom is also a treasure trove of highly potent triterpene compounds. Oil-soluble compounds like Ganoderic and Lucidenic acids, derived from Reishi, contribute to its remarkable therapeutic benefits. Research has demonstrated that Reishi's triterpenes may possess anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-histaminic, antioxidant, hypotensive, and sedative properties.
It's important to note that triterpenes can only be found in dual-extracted Reishi products, as they are not water-soluble and require alcohol for extraction from the mushroom's fruiting body.
The triterpenes also impart Reishi's characteristically bitter taste. So, the next time you experience that distinctive flavor, remember the incredible health benefits you're receiving!
17 Ways How Reishi Mushroom Boost Your Longevity
Immune System Support
Revel in the wonders of Reishi, a remarkable tonic packed with over 200 unique polysaccharides that work wonders for bolstering and nurturing your immune system.
Experience the remarkable flu-fighting prowess of Reishi, which not only helps to strengthen your body's natural defenses but also keeps you and your loved ones safe from catching the dreaded common cold.
Far from being a mere immune stimulant or suppressant, Reishi masterfully balances your immune system, ensuring optimal functionality regardless of whether it's weakened (prone to colds, flu, and viruses) or excessive (autoimmune conditions).
Reishi's secret weapon is beta-1,3-D-glucan, a potent polysaccharide that vigorously activates immune cells. Studies reveal that Reishi mushrooms bolster immunity by promoting the production of various immune cells, including lymphocytes, T-helper cells, T-killer cells, and macrophages, while also suppressing tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α).
Cancer Therapy Aid
Reishi boasts an impressive track record in traditional cancer treatments, backed by a wealth of scientific evidence. This amazing fungus has demonstrated benefits in combating various cancers, such as prostate and breast cancer. Reishi's immune-supporting polysaccharides, particularly Beta-D-glucans, and triterpenes, exhibit powerful anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activity against cancer cells and may even help prevent tumor growth.
Clinical research has spotlighted Reishi's immune-enhancing abilities, showcasing its capacity to activate immune cells like macrophages and helper T-cells, amplify NK cell activity, elevate Th1 cytokine levels, and reduce Th2 cytokine levels in advanced-stage lung cancer patients.
Reishi also shines in alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Its astounding success in the battle against cancer has earned it official recognition by the Japanese government as a valid treatment for certain cancers. Embrace the power of Reishi and boost your immune system to live a healthier, happier life!
Powerful Adaptogen
Reishi is an exceptional adaptogen and has been regarded as one of the best adaptogenic herbs for centuries. Adaptogens are natural substances that can help our bodies cope with various stressors and restore balance. They have been shown to promote normal physiological function and increase the body's resistance to physical, biological, emotional, and environmental stressors. Reishi has unique dual-directional activity and can effectively "regulate" the body's immune system. It is known as an immune modulator because it neither stimulates nor suppresses the immune system.
Reishi has an innate intelligence in the body that can identify imbalances in the immune system and work towards restoring balance. It is traditionally used in Fu Zheng therapy, a form of Traditional Chinese herbalism that aims to build the body's resistance and innate healing capacities, much like an adaptogen. It is comparable to contemporary "immuno-therapy" in the West.
Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Perhaps the most exciting health benefit of Reishi is its calming and stress-reducing ability, making it an important ally in our fast-paced and over-stressed world. Stress is one of the biggest underlying factors in disease. In ancient China, Reishi mushroom was regarded as the best "spirit elevating" tonic that positively promotes mental well-being, calmness, and helps cultivate peace, love, and happiness.
Reishi's calming action can help alleviate many of the psychological problems associated with patients dealing with a disease. A study with breast cancer patients reported feeling "less anxiety and depression and better quality of life" after taking Reishi for just four weeks.
In summary, Reishi is a top adaptogen that can help our bodies adapt to stress, promote normal physiological function, and restore balance. Its unique dual-directional activity makes it an excellent immune modulator, and its calming and stress-reducing ability makes it an important ally in our fast-paced and over-stressed world.
Boost Energy by Neutralizing Fatigue
Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners use Reishi as a Chi tonic to enhance our life force energy and improve physiological energy production. Unlike stimulants, Chi tonics such as Reishi, are adaptogens that help our body function optimally and maintain a natural balance, leading to increased vitality.
Reishi has a range of benefits that support and balance our body's major systems including the immune system, heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs. Additionally, it helps lower inflammation, improves mental capacity, increases oxygen utilization, and aids in detoxification. These properties make Reishi especially beneficial for those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Fatigue is a common side effect of endocrine treatment for breast cancer survivors. In a recent study of 48 breast cancer patients, the group taking Reishi showed significant improvements in physical well-being and fatigue subscale after the intervention. The study concludes that Reishi may have a positive impact on cancer-related fatigue and quality of life in breast cancer patients undergoing endocrine therapy without any significant adverse effects.
Enhance Antioxidants and neutralize Inflammation
Inflammation is a complex response that the body uses to protect itself against harmful foreign invaders, like viruses and bacteria. It's a crucial aspect of the body's immune response, aiding in the healing process.
However, chronic or long-term inflammation can lead to a range of symptoms, such as joint pain, swelling, redness, and even more severe autoimmune conditions, such as arthritis and asthma.
Reishi is a natural herb that contains various compounds, such as triterpenes, polysaccharides, and phenolic compounds, which exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Its immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory effects make it a potential therapeutic option for autoimmune conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis.
One study found that a polysaccharide peptide from Reishi could significantly reduce the proliferation of rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts by inhibiting the nuclear factor-kappa B transcription pathway. Many of Reishi's terpene compounds, such as Ganodermic A, B, C, and D, Lucidenic acid B, and Ganodermanontriol, are potent antioxidants that help the body fight against free radical scavengers.
Research on mice has demonstrated that Reishi can boost antioxidant levels in the body, including superoxide dismutase and glutathione, which can protect the blood from oxidative damage.
Several extracts from Reishi have been shown to possess powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Based on these findings, Reishi could be considered as a preventive and therapeutic approach for various inflammation-related diseases.
Strengthens Cardiovascular Health
In today's developing world, cardiovascular disease is a major cause of death. However, scientific research has discovered that Reishi, a type of mushroom, can be a valuable food source to support heart health.
Reishi is packed with antioxidants, sterols, Ganoderic acids (triterpenes), coumarin, mannitol, and polysaccharides that all work together to benefit cardiovascular health. These incredible compounds offer protective qualities against many of the risk factors associated with heart disease and stroke.
Studies have shown that "the polysaccharides and triterpenes isolated from Ganoderma Lucidum have shown hypolipidemic, hypotensive, and antithrombotic effects," which means that they help lower lipid levels in the blood, decrease blood pressure, and reduce the risk of blood clots. Additionally, Reishi has been known to reduce chest pain, palpitations, and shortness of breath.
Reishi also contains chitin, a protein that can break down cholesterol in the body, which helps clean the arteries and improves heart health. Reishi has been shown to lower levels of LDL cholesterol and Triglycerides, while normalizing blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and increasing the flexibility and health of blood vessels. Additionally, Reishi may help remove atherosclerotic plaque, which can contribute to heart disease.
Moreover, research suggests that Reishi may have anti-diabetic effects, as it has been shown to reduce both LDL cholesterol and increase levels of good HDL cholesterol.
Liver Rejuvenation
The liver is an incredible organ, second only in size to the skin. It plays a critical role in our body's detoxification and digestion processes. However, our liver is constantly under attack from various toxins, including those from our environment, processed foods, emotional stress, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. These toxins can significantly impact the liver's function, leading to poor detoxification, decreased energy production, and reduced performance.
Fortunately, there are ways to protect and support the liver, and one of the best liver tonics is the Reishi mushroom. This powerful mushroom has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to promote liver health and prevent liver disease.
Reishi has a broad range of hepatoprotective properties, including powerful antioxidant effects that help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Additionally, the triterpenes found in Reishi have been shown to inhibit the activation and proliferation of hepatic stellate cells, which are responsible for advancing liver fibrosis and disease.
Recent studies have also shown that Reishi's antioxidant properties, particularly SOD, can provide hepatoprotective effects against acute liver injury. Furthermore, the triterpenes found in Reishi have been shown to have positive effects on treating hepatitis.
Interestingly, Reishi has even been shown to protect the liver against the damaging effects of moderate alcohol consumption in rats. So if you're looking for a natural way to support your liver and promote overall health, Reishi mushroom is an excellent choice.
Supports Kidney Health
Reishi mushroom is a powerhouse Jing tonic herb, as per Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Jing represents the foundational energy reserves of our body, which reside in the kidneys. Reishi helps to support kidney health and boosts Jing energy. Want to learn more about Jing and ways to stop Jing's energy leaks? Check out this resource.
A 2004 study conducted on the treatment of persistent proteinuria in fourteen patients using Reishi mushroom showed that it helped restore the immune system's balance and successfully suppressed proteinuria in all fourteen patients.
Lungs Strengthening
In Taoist philosophy, it is believed that our lungs control our energy or "Chi." Reishi serves as an energy tonic, strengthening and nurturing the lungs, and enhancing the extraction of energy from the air we breathe. Robust lungs and the development of respiratory power are fundamental to our overall health and longevity.
Active triterpenes such as Ganoderic acids in Reishi help reduce allergies and histamine reactions associated with asthma. Additionally, studies show that Reishi can benefit from chronic bronchitis.
Reishi's ability to support stress may also be linked to the lungs. Taoists believe that there is a close connection between breathing and our emotional state. To master our emotions, we must have strong lungs to support our breath. When we're dealing with any kind of emotional stress, our breathing can either exacerbate the situation by becoming fast and shallow, or it can quickly reduce the stress when we practice controlled deep breathing.
Reishi also supports the defensive Chi energy, "Wei Qi." Our lungs produce this subtle energy, which plays an essential role in regulating our body's defense mechanisms. Wei Qi circulates just below the surface of our skin and acts like a force field, protecting us against any foreign pathogen or environmental toxin that could harm our bodies. If our Wei Qi is functioning effectively, any harmful airborne pathogenic organisms will be repelled, bouncing off of us.
Improves Brain Functioning
Reishi mushroom is a well-known natural supplement that has been shown to enhance brain power, improve memory, and sharpen concentration and focus. According to the ancient text Shénnóng Běncǎo Jīng, Reishi has been known to enhance vital energy, increase thinking faculty, and prevent forgetfulness, helping to refresh the body and mind, delay aging, and promote longevity.
Taoists have long emphasized the importance of memory retention as we age. They believed that sickness was caused by past transgressions and that older patients needed to remember and record their past mistakes in order to maintain good health and longevity.
Studies have shown that the polysaccharides and triterpene compounds found in Reishi have significant neuroprotective effects. The polysaccharides have been found to promote neurogenesis and improve cognitive functions, potentially helping to treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. They have also been found to protect neurons from cell death, oxidative stress, and cognitive dysfunction.
The active triterpenes in Reishi have been found to stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (NGF), which is essential for maintaining a strong and healthy nervous system. Although NGF doesn't easily cross the blood-brain barrier, Reishi has been found to act as an astrocytic NGF inducer, showing potent effects on the induction of NGF in primary astrocytes. Additionally, Reishi has been found to enhance mitochondrial biogenesis in the brain, further promoting brain health.
Soothing Allergic Reactions
Unleash the might of Reishi mushrooms to combat allergies and inflammation effectively! These fantastic fungi are known to ease allergy symptoms, such as hay fever, thanks to their immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties. Japanese scientists have found that Reishi acts as a natural antihistamine, with compounds like Lanostan inhibiting histamine release and managing the body's response to allergens.
Reishi mushrooms can also be your go-to remedy for chronic bronchitis. Their active component, Cyclooctasulfur, not only blocks histamine release from mast cells but stabilizes them as well. The triterpene compounds in Reishi, like Ganoderic acids, further aid in reducing allergies and histamine reactions linked to asthma.
Improvise Sleep Cycle
Experience the calming effects of Reishi mushrooms on your sleep and nervous system. This miraculous mushroom has been used for centuries in Chinese and Japanese folk medicine to tackle insomnia, enhance sleep quality, and minimize anxiety.
Even today, herbalists from China and Japan swear by Reishi's "sleep-promoting factor" when dealing with insomnia. The terpenoid compounds present in Reishi are believed to calm nerves and induce sedation, positively impacting neurasthenia and insomnia. Consistent use of Reishi has also been linked to an increase in slow-wave sleep (deep sleep).
Digestion and Gut Health Boost
Elevate your gut health with the incredible prebiotic properties of Reishi mushrooms! Research reveals that the polysaccharides in mushrooms can nurture your gut microbiome, providing essential nutrients for probiotics that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria.
Contrary to popular belief, Reishi may also help manage candida overgrowth. As a fungus with powerful antifungal and antimicrobial qualities, Reishi has been shown to suppress plant fungal pathogens significantly.
Moreover, Reishi contains compounds that help prevent ulcer formation, further supporting digestive health. Embrace the incredible benefits of Reishi mushrooms and embark on a journey toward a healthier, happier you!
Skin Rejuvenation
With the high concentration of polysaccharide compounds found in Reishi, it has been found to be an effective promoter of cell regeneration and an enhancer of the body's natural ability to retain water, leading to better hydrated skin.
Not only does Reishi offer benefits to the skin, but its benefits are profound. By increasing the amount of skin-protective antioxidants and promoting blood circulation, Reishi has been shown to improve skin tone and elasticity, and even help clear up any existing skin problems.
Moreover, recent studies suggest that Reishi has radioprotective properties, meaning it can protect the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation and prevent damage to DNA. This can potentially slow down the ageing process of the skin and prevent other skin issues.
The lungs play a crucial role in maintaining skin health as well. Supporting lung function and improving breathing with Reishi, which is a great lung tonic, can lead to improved skin quality, including a reduction in blemishes and dryness.
When the body has an abundance of Qi (Chi), the energy flow, the pores on the skin can be more effective in opening and closing, thereby adapting to changes in the environment. Reishi can help with this too.
Harnessing Nervous System
Reishi mushrooms possess a unique ability to effectively manage stress by nourishing and calming the central nervous system, thereby promoting relaxation. Its tranquilizing effects have been recognized by people in Asia for centuries and it is still widely used for its calming and nerve-strengthening benefits.
The cumulative effect of consuming Reishi mushrooms strengthens the nerves over the long term, leading to a transformative change in an individual's outlook on life. It has been noticed that after taking Reishi, people experience a sense of relaxation, akin to the meditative state. Monks and spiritual sages have been including Reishi in their daily routine to deepen their meditative practice for ages.
In essence, Reishi's calming properties offer a potent solution to managing stress and enhancing overall well-being, allowing one to live a more relaxed and fulfilling life.
Shield Against Radiation Damage
Modern technology has brought us many conveniences that make our lives easier, such as cell phones, wifi, and other wireless devices. These privileges are highly valued by most of us, and the thought of living without them is unimaginable. However, the use of these devices may have adverse effects on our health, and the full extent of their biological harm may not be known for decades.
Recent studies suggest that there should be a significant concern regarding exposure to the higher frequencies of Wi-Fi networks in our living places. It is recommended that Wi-Fi users avoid long-term exposure to RF emissions from Wi-Fi equipment, as most people living in cities are exposed to these frequencies 24/7 throughout the year.
Although it's unlikely that our society will compromise on these conveniences, it's essential that we take preventative measures to ensure the protection of our cellular biology for a healthy life. One such measure is proper nutrition, and Reishi mushroom has been shown to act as a radioprotective shield against unwanted cellular distortions and changes caused by exposures to X-rays and other damaging radiation frequencies, such as wifi and cell phones.
In conclusion, while we enjoy the benefits of modern technology, it's crucial to be mindful of its potential negative effects on our health and take appropriate measures to protect ourselves. Reishi mushroom can serve as a natural and effective solution to safeguard our cellular health.
Where to Buy Reishi Mushroom Extracts
Many people mistakenly believe that wild Reishi mushrooms, due to their rarity, must be superior in quality and nutritional content compared to cultivated varieties. However, the reality is quite different. Wild Reishi mushrooms are susceptible to damage from insects, mold, and environmental pollution, and they contain significantly fewer bioactive compounds than their wild-cultivated counterparts.
In fact, only one tree out of 10,000 in a designated area may yield a mature Reishi fruiting body suitable for extraction. This scarcity makes wild Reishi unsuitable for large-scale production. As a result, nearly all Reishi mushroom products on the market are either wild-cultivated or made using less effective methods like mycelium grown on grain.
Wild-Cultivated Reishi Mushroom.
While wildcrafted Reishi mushroom products tend to be pricey and produced in smaller batches—typically in liquid tincture form—the most effective method for cultivating nutrient-rich Reishi is the wild-cultivation technique.
With this ingenious method, wood logs are inoculated with Reishi spawn and then buried in nutrient-dense soil in a pristine, mountainous environment. Here, the Reishi mushrooms can grow without human interference, naturally accumulating nutrients and energy. The logs, known as "duanwood" (or "original wood"), are the same indigenous wood that wild Reishi mushrooms thrive on.
Growing Reishi at high altitudes on a mountainside simulates its natural habitat, resulting in a product with a chemical profile closely resembling that of wild Reishi. This method also allows for maximum control over contamination, yielding the purest and cleanest fruiting bodies possible. To ensure the integrity of the mushrooms, the Chinese government prohibits the use of pesticides and chemicals during cultivation.
Teelixir's organic Reishi mushroom extract boasts a 10:1 potency, meaning that ten kilograms of fruiting bodies are used to produce one kilogram of extract. The Reishi is dual-extracted with water and organic alcohol: organic ethanol extracts the adaptogenic terpenes (bitter-tasting compounds), while hot water extracts the immune-modulating beta-glucans (polysaccharides). This method ensures the full spectrum of nutritive compounds is extracted, increasing the bioavailability of the medicine.
Worry not about the alcohol content: less than 100 ppm (parts per million) of organic alcohol remains in the final Reishi extract, making it safe for children. However, if you have concerns about giving your child Reishi dual-extract powder, consult with your pediatrician.
Reishi mycelium grown on grain.
Cultivating the mycelium on grain substrates such as oats, barley, or brown rice in a controlled lab environment. Although cost-effective, this method may not provide the full spectrum of health benefits, as it typically contains reduced levels of polysaccharides and minimal triterpenes.
Worried about the quality of your Reishi product? A telltale sign is its taste. If it's not bitter, it's likely lacking those essential triterpenes responsible for Reishi's distinct flavor. Instead, it might taste sweet and have a grainy or sawdust-like texture.
Be a smart shopper when it comes to Reishi mushrooms! Scrutinize the label and ensure that you're purchasing a product made from the Reishi mushroom fruiting body.
For the ultimate Reishi experience, opt for a dual-extracted product to reap all the health benefits this amazing mushroom has to offer!
Consuming Reishi Mushrooms
Deliciousness often comes with a cost, and in the case of Reishi mushroom extract, that cost is its intense bitterness. Surprisingly, bitterness is a hallmark of high-quality Reishi extract, so if your extract doesn't make you pucker up, it's probably just mycelium grown on grain.
But don't be discouraged by the bitterness - it's worth it! Bitter foods are often underappreciated in our modern food culture, but cultivating our bitter palate is essential for optimal health. And if you're looking for ways to incorporate Reishi into your diet, try pairing it with other bitter foods like coffee and cacao for a truly satisfying experience. Who knew upgrading your latte and chocolate treats could be this easy and beneficial?
Reishi Mushroom Tea Recipes
To make Reishi mushroom tea, simply add 1/2 tsp to a mug and mix it with hot water for the perfect evening nightcap. And if you're feeling adventurous, you can also add Reishi to other tonic herbs, adaptogens, and superfood mushrooms for a potent elixir that promotes a vibrant and healthy life.
One of the great things about concentrated dual-extracts is that they're not heat-sensitive, so feel free to add them to hot drinks without damaging their nutritional profile.
We'd love to hear how you like to enjoy your Reishi mushroom! For some recipe inspiration, try adding Reishi to your next smoothie or soup for a delicious and nutrient-packed meal.
Reishi Mushroom Cappuccino Recipe
Reishi Mushroom Hot Chocolate Recipe
Dosage and precautions
Teelixir recommends kicking off your Reishi mushroom dual-extract journey with a daily dose of 1/2 tsp (1.5g) – a perfect starting point for newcomers!
Reishi is not only gentle and safe for everyone, but it's also well-tolerated even at higher doses. However, if you're aware of your sensitivity to herbs, it's wise to begin with a smaller amount. Feel free to ramp up your dosage as your body acclimates and in accordance with your individual needs.
Rest assured, Reishi mushroom is non-toxic and free of any known side effects, making it an exciting addition to your wellness routine!
References and Studies
Ganoderma lucidum: a potent pharmacological macrofungus. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2009 Dec;10(8):717-42.
Ganoderma lucidum and its pharmaceutically active compounds. Biotechnol Annu Rev. 2007;13:265-301.
Anticancer effect of triterpenes from Ganoderma lucidum in human prostate cancer cells. Oncol Lett. 2017 Dec; 14(6): 7467–7472.
Triterpenoids from the spores of Ganoderma lucidum. N Am J Med Sci. 2011 Nov; 3(11): 495–498.
Biomedical triterpenoids of Ganoderma lucidum (Curt.: Fr.) P. Karst. (Aphyllophoromycetideae). Kim HW, Kim BK, Int JJ Med Mushr. 1999;1:121-13817
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