TLXR Sparkling Mushroom Elixir

TLXR Sparkling Mushroom Elixir

    Sold Out
    TLXR Sparkling Mushroom Elixir - Blackcurrant 250ml
    from $5.90
    Sold Out
    TLXR Sparkling Mushroom Elixir - Mandarin 250ml
    Sold Out
    TLXR Sparkling Mushroom Elixir - Lemon Myrtle
    from $5.90
    TLXR Sparkling Mushroom Elixir - Rose
    from $5.90

    Australia’s First Sparkling Mushroom Elixirs - infused with Lion's Mane Mushroom and Cordyceps Mushroom. Boost your energy naturally without the crash! Choose among four refreshing favours - Blackcurrant, Mandarin, Lemon Myrtle and Rose.